How to Get Out of A Funk When the Funk Got You!
Even the most optimistic, see the glass half full, the sun is always shining mindset has gotten caught up in the negative whirlwind of “This is not going to work.” “I’m not enough.” or “I can’t do this.” When we’re young. Before our parents and the rest of the world told us no and all the things we couldn’t do, we were fearless. Watch children at play and you’ll see what I mean. Children are not only fearless but they are resilient, the bounce back kings. It’s almost an oxymoron. We start out full of wonder and creativity, ready to take on the world. As we get older we grow cynical and bitter, scared to dream and terrified to actually pursue them. But there are those amongst the adult population who, against the odds and naysayers, continue to give it a go and just as they’re chugging along….well let’s say. Forget “Oklahoma when the winds come sweeping down the plain.” And lets talk about that F5 roaring down their yellow brick road.
When that Funk sets in it’s a force to be reckoned with. But that’s the awesomeness about life, having options. You can decide that this is only temporary and then take the necessary steps to bring about change. Now that change may be totally internal. But once you start to see the situation causing the Funk as a passing learning opportunity versus a permanent state. Then you are starting to take back control and put things in perspective to create a positive state of being. You go from victim to hero.
You may say, “Ok that’s really cool. But how do I get over the Funk?”
Go Ahead and Cry
This will potentially sound strange. But go with it. Depending on how bad the storm, go ahead and cry. No you don’t need to release Niagara Falls at work, with family or with friends. But I’m speaking from personal experience. If the Funk has such a grip that your stomach is in knots, your head hurts, and things aren’t 50 shades of grey but EVERYTHING is grey. Then you need to release that toxic energy before you explode. There have been many moments, in the comfort of my home or car I’ve let the tears flow and immediately I felt a release of pressure. Perhaps you’re not the tears and tissue type? Well there are ways to release that pint up energy.
Get Moving
Meditation and Yoga are excellent resources to redirect and get focused. Physical activity like walking or jogging outside can also be great options. Anytime you can get moving and increase your endorphin and serotonin levels, that’s a win.
Write it Out
Another favorite of mine is writing.
**DISCLAIMER! You may want to have a safe place for your content. Because if accidentally found without a prologue or a notes section then there’s a chance someone special to you may get a rude awakening in, “You can’t handle the truth.”**
Writing can be so therapeutic. You’re able to get the words out without judgment and then you can process how you’re’ feeling.
Face it
The idea behind dealing with El Nino is not to push it under the rug.
**ANOTHER DISCLAIMER! DO NOT create a huge elephant, especially in your mental house. I promise you he’s big, he’s purple, and he has a smell so he’s not going anywhere.**
You have to face the storm head on and feel your way through the Funk. Because on the other side is where clarity and peace lie.
Let Go
Accepting this current moment is not surrender. It’s letting go of that which you cannot control and embracing that in which you can. What do you have control over? You have control over your perceptions and reactions. If you perceive a situation as an impenetrable/unscalable mountain. Then you’re going to react as someone who’s lost hope and can’t see that if they take a few more steps around the corner. There’s a Switchback trail leading to the summit. Due to lack of belief in self and the understanding that life is full of only moments, you‘ve lost your ability to create.
But like a phoenix you too can rise and reconnect with all that you deserve to be. You just have to be willing to fight and never lose sight that the child in you never went anywhere. His or her voice may have grown weak, especially when trying to compete with all the negative ranting from fearful family, friend, and coworkers. But they’re there, constantly rooting you towards victory. These kids are rulers, fire jumpers, time travelers. They’re limitless and they’re oblivious to the Funk so the Funk can never grab hold of them.
How do you get out of a Funk?
You tap back into the child within and you move forward through life as a victor.
RIP Funk!
With Love,