Why Not Change Your Perspective?
When I woke up this morning I was pretty stressed and things were NOT going my way. I could feel my mood heading on a downward spiral of doom and in the moment I predetermined that my day would be a bad one. Screeeeeech…….I caught myself and I thought why in the world would someone decide and speak out into the universe that they would have a bad day. What sense does that make.
Of course I had to refocus. We all have challenging moments, especially those mornings where the clock is ticking and you have a ton on your plate. The baby is crying, the dogs are whining, someone left a mess at the table, your clothes are wrinkled, your eyeliner pen broke, and on and on. But all of these things, though nerve-racking, are not reasons to decide your day is going to suck. They’re a part of daily life and with a simple flip of your outlook you can go from what seems to be a “game over” kind of day to a totally awesome day.
Perspective is the key. The baby crying means that they’re alive and kicking, maybe the cry is for you because they miss you and want your attention, maybe the cry is because they need something simple like a diaper change or they’re hungry. Bottom line is that they’re communicating with you and that makes the situation a good one. The dogs are possibly whining to go outside. They could have had an accident in the house but instead they held it through the night and now they’re alerting you so they can relieve themselves in the proper place. Someone leaving a mess at the table means someone had a meal and they ate at the table instead of vegging out in their bedroom or in front of the television. You see where this is going.
There’s always a positive to the negative and each day we have to remember to catch ourselves in those moments where we’re self-sabotaging how our day will go. No day is a “bad” day. We have days that can be more challenging than others but there’s an opportunity to learn each time we awake so the next time your mind heads down that dark path of doom before you even step out the door; pull back, breath and flip your thoughts back around the “right” way. Hope you enjoyed, comment below.