Go Vegan or Not
I’ve done this vegan thing off and on for over 6 years. I’ve gone raw vegan for several months. But each time I came back to eating meat and eventually unhealthy eating. I’ve watched the documentaries, I’ve read the books, I’ve watched seminars, and my taste buds have always led me back to meat. It’s as if I feel I’m missing something or I get tired of being excluded. I’ve even had that thought process in the back of mind of, “What if this is really not healthy?”, “Maybe we do need meat.” Truth be told, it’s really challenging to be vegan, especially in Oklahoma, the state where eating as much meat as you can is the norm. If you’re doing something else people will outright, in your face, make fun of you.
But what’s promising is that there’s a movement of mainly millennials who see things from a more universal perspective. They’re fearless in their efforts to be more conscientious in how they live their lives and veganism is one of the choices they have made. They’ve even kind of made it “sexy”. What does that have to do with me? I’ve definitely aged beyond that group and sexiness is something I’m not exactly passionate or interested in.
Sick and Tired
I think this time around it’s more about really being sick and tired of BEING sick and tired! Due to a little bit of laziness and a little bit of fear I have succumbed to the masses over and over. It truly does get old when you’re the joke of breakfast, lunch, and dinner conversations. However, what gets even older, is feeling meh, and having aches and pains because your gut is constantly in overdrive trying to digest meat over the course of a few days. There’s something quite freeing in eating and then eliminating versus eating and waiting for your body to digest all that stuff.
Another thing that’s kind of hit me recently is all the illness. It’s actually quite scary. I’m no expert but I’ve seen what a plant-based diet has done to me as well as contributed to the inflammation in my body. I’ve also seen what a meat based diet does to my midsection and all the fat build up around my most precious organs. You may ask, “Well fancy pants, why do you do that yourself?” That’s a great question. One, today, I’m really reflecting on. It could be self-sabotage. I’m good for that kind of behavior. It could be a desire to fit in when I do have outings with others. The vegan life here is a solo one.
At the end of the day it’s really all excuses, excuses for not wanting to fully commit to myself. That my friend is something I have found we all do! I can’t talk a good talk if I’m not going to walk it so today I’m deciding to go ahead and take that first step in being real about what I’ve been doing to my body. Recognizing why and then moving forward towards a life a freedom.
I have a lot of bouts of not feeling worthy. I’m not going to go into detail on this post. But I want you to be able to relate. I have many courageous and triumphant moments. However, I have seen what works best for my health and time and time again I allow myself to revert back into my old unhealthy habits Because the bottom line is I have yet to fully accept I deserve the best and then commit to that. You may say “but why not?” and I have to say it’s because of that little kid in me who’s still looking for validation outside of their selves. I’ve definitely gotten better in understanding that the answer doesn’t lie anywhere but within, yet it’s something I have to work on.
Childhood experiences can wreak havoc on adult life when unaware so being present is a new mission of mine. Learning to accept that if we go through life in zombie mode we do some really crazy things to ourselves. However, if we commit to mindfulness and being intentional with our actions, we empower ourselves to live a completely different existence with experiences that rank on the scale of heavenly.
Many times we give our power away and fall into the realm of helplessness and hopelessness. We don’t understand the significance of our minds and our ability to choose. Our past experiences have led us down a path of victimization. I know I tip toe on and off this path all the time. The difference between yesterday and now is that I can put a name to the madness and then come up with a different route. Some days I’m good at this, others not so much. But the key is to understand you have a choice.
Commitment is about saying yes to you and allowing nothing to get in the way of you accomplishing your goal. But first we have to be truthful. I first have to accept that the reason I’m wreaking havoc on my health and decide what I’m going to do about it; stay in the same rut or get those wheels moving forward. That led me to a decision to prepare myself in a different way. I’ve done this before. I know what this looks like. But now I see veganism from a new set of glasses.
It has always been about weight loss first then pseudo consciousness, ignoring the underlying abusive relationship I had with food. Yeah. It’s about to get real so bear with me! My relationship with food has been and is right now, TOXIC! I don’t use food to fuel; I use it to console, ease, to “make” me “happy”, knowing that’s not its purpose. Yet I have chosen to see it with a blind eye. Food was there when I was pregnant, it was there when I got a divorce, it was there failed relationship after relationship and it’s here now when I feel fear or anxiety. It brings friends together, its part of emotional conversations, it’s here for family gatherings and its here when I feel sad. For almost half my life I have been able to rely on the consistency of unhealthy food to ease and mask the pain of life and honestly, I don’t want to let it go!
Saying Good bye
BUT and that’s a big but. This is a relationship that has to end. I now choose me and not just with words, with my actions. Food should serve no other purpose than providing necessary nutrients so you can function. Understanding and accepting that has the power to release me from my unhealthy love affair and introduce a new way of interacting with food. I’m saying goodbye to old unhealthy habits and welcoming viewing eating and it’s purpose from an empowering point of view. It’s not about dress and pant size, it’s about saving lives! If you’re interested in joining me, even if it’s for a few days, this is how we’re going to do this.
Step 1: Commit to Mindful Eating
Commit to mindful eating. Don’t put it in your mouth unless you know why you’re putting it in your mouth. Are you physically hungry or emotionally? Drink some water or tea (not fully of sugar), wait a few minutes and reassess. Now if it’s time to eat then it’s time to eat. But usually when we’re snacking, especially in front of the TV, it’s mindless eating and that’s what we want to become more aware of. You will cut so many calories in simply being aware when you do eat.
Step 2: Research Resources
Research resources for food substitutes. Sometimes our eating habits are based on taste and texture. There are so many substitutes out on the Internet for free. Most of us spend an excessive amount of time on social media. Take a few minutes to find meatless options that will tame your palette cravings. It can be educational, exiting, and rewarding. Another reward is finding plant-based foods that you can fall in love with.
Step 3: Eliminate the Enemy
Lo. Okay maybe that’s excessive. But removing temptation from your fridges and pantries can be a lifesaver. If it’s not readily available you may second-guess unhealthy snacking or meal options.
Step 4: Come up with a Meal Plan
Consistency is key so prepare in advance. Come up with 3-5 day meal plan that will get you through the week. Have 2-3 different recipes so you won’t get board and prepare these on the weekend or have things bagged and ready to go during the week. Meal prepping can be essential in the success of changing habits. You’ll be surprise at what having things at fingertip access will do to your waistline. Flavorfuel has some tasty option, just select from the starches and veggies.
Step 5: Snacks for Life
Don’t forget your snacks. Sometimes we sabotage because we’re so hungry, like for real hungry, and we’re out on the go with all kinds of unhealthy options. There are so many simply solutions to keep on track between meals and away from the snack cubicles at work (work is a huge issue, especially for anyone thinking about being a vegan). Some simple items are trail mix (you can make this yourself), apples, carrots, celery, Justin’s almond butter snacks, etc.
Step 6: Educate Yourself
Continually educate yourself on how your body responds to certain foods and what your taste buds like. Explore different recipes and snack options and make this fun. It’ should be exiting to try something new versus just doing what you’ve always done or what your family tells you we’ve always done. Step out and embrace being different. Who knows some of your friends and family may join you.
Going Vegan is an Option
You don’t have to BE a vegan to choose healthier selections. This is simply an opportunity to try something different because you have the freedom to. Most of all it’s a chance to find out more about how a plant-based diet can help improve your overall health and well-being. There are so many sites and groups to support you in this new journey. It’s definitely a chance to test out your ability to set a new standard for your health and make a commitment to YOU. I hope you enjoyed and will join me on exploring and having fun with getting healthier together.
With Love,